June 20, 2020... So I got to send this beautiful bride down the aisle yesterday.... she was the little neighbor girl for the longest time, she helped her mom nanny 3 of my kiddos for several years, she tried out to be a Rocket Cheerleader her freshman year and I got to help her.... these are the things that I think of as she walked down the aisle... 💕 It’s always such an honor to be asked to be apart of these special days with special people and I’m so glad we got to be!
Congratulations to Morgan and Cole on their wedding day! It was a beautiful day for a wedding and everything turned out fabulous despite what we thought was going to be rained on!!! It’s good to be back doing what we love! 💕💐 #selmisweddingsandevents #newbeginnings#covidweddings2020 #bettertogether #sharethelove